3 Simple Tips Before Investing A Stock

By | 13 November, 2017


Investing in a company is not easy. Investing profitably in a company is even harder. It requires a lot of attention to important factors affecting the performance of the company.

The following are the three simple investment tips that investors should be aware of before buying a stock.


Tip # 1 : Get to Know The Management of the Company
When investing in a company, most investors assessing the performance of the company by looking at the movement of its share price. For those analytical types of investors, they look at the numbers on its balance sheets, comparing ratios and some even analysing charts.

However, investors should read the company’s annual report and take a chance to meet the management team by attending the Annual General Meetings (AGMs) and speaking with the management team in attendance.

By meeting the Management of the company, investors able to understand how the Management runs the company and where the Management intends to take the company, how well it handles pressure and market competition etc. This gives the investors an overall picture of the direction and growth perspective of the company beyond the published numbers.


Tip # 2 : Be Picky in Choosing A Stock
When it comes to investing, be a picky investor. It is advisable to spend a long time and put in a lot of effort picking the right stock for their investment portfolio. Investors should understand more of the company they invested and spend time monitoring its performance.

Being a picky investor, they can understand more of their investments rather than buying stocks based on rumours they’ve heard or just buying stocks on market dips. They will also continuously read about its prospects and keep updated with its performances.


Tip # 3 : Seeking Better Return of Investment
Before investing in a stock, investors must identify stocks that will give them potentially better returns than the rest of the market. It is advisable to seek for hidden or unrevealed information of the company that not many people will knows.

If investors do not want to seek any additional information to generate better return or they just want the market return, then they can consider buying broad-based country indexes. By investing in an country index, this would offer them a natural diversification strategy as any country index consist of a number of stocks.


Investing Require Time and Effort
It is not easy to get the right investments. It requires a lot of time and effort in managing a profitable investment portfolio. It is advisable to have the discipline to stick with your strategies over the long term for it to pay off.